What Can I Help You With Today? - Real Life Real Estate

What Can I Help You With Today?

May 20, 2024

Overcoming Your Fears

What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to do? Stop right there. What was the very first thing that came to mind? Focus on that. Now, what’s stopping you from achieving that thing? Or let me phrase it this way […]
May 28, 2020

3 Simple Ways to Strengthen Your Relationships

Now more than ever is the time to strengthen your relationships.  Relationships with clients, friends and family. On a good day, being a Realtor can be very isolating, but in these challenging times, the isolation is magnified. Very little interaction with […]
May 12, 2019

7 Things They Don’t Tell You About Being a Real Estate Agent

When you take your real estate pre-licensing class you learn the real estate vocabulary, national and jurisdictional laws, the Code of Ethics…just to name a few.  But what they don’t teach you in pre-licensing class is what it’s actually like […]
April 11, 2019

You Are So Much More Than A Real Estate Agent

Most consumers don’t realize it, but as a real estate professional we wear a lot of different hats.  From the outside looking in Our profession looks fairly easy and glamorous…thanks to cable television shows. Real Estate Agents Work With Everyone […]
February 25, 2019

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

“I know how to prospect”…”I know how to market myself”…”I know how to get a listing”…”so I don’t need training”. You DO Need Training I constantly hear this from agents, new and old…or should I say “more experienced” agents. But how […]
January 30, 2019

The Best Part of Being A Real Estate Agent

The cases and blogs we talk and write about most often are those that involve difficult, unreasonable and sometimes abusive clients.  But if we are completely honest, that probably only makes up a small percentage of our business…maybe even as low as five percent.  […]
January 7, 2019

The Single Biggest Mistake Real Estate Agents Make When Working With Friends

It’s not unusual for real estate agents to say that they don’t like working with friends.  The rationale I hear is that they prefer to keep their business and personal lives separate.  They have heard too many horror stories about […]
December 14, 2018

The 7 Most Common Issues Found at a Home Inspection

The home inspection contingency is one of the most common contingencies in a real estate contract. Your buyer should know going in, that their home inspector will find issues with the “house of their dreams.” That doesn’t mean that the […]