During these times of uncertainty, it can be difficult to keep your head in the game, let alone keep your prospects engaged.
Now is the time to do all of those things you’ve always wanted to do, but never seemed to have the time.
You now have the time.
Let’s look at a few activities you can do to ensure you have business when we get on the other side of these challenging times.
Engage More on Social Media
With “extra” time on their hands, many people are spending more time on social media.
That means, you should be spending more time on social media.
It’s important to remember why people turn to social media. They go to social media to be entertained…so be entertaining!
This doesn’t mean that you can’t post about real estate, just don’t let real estate be your primary topic. Try 90% social and 10% real estate.
Post a mix of entertainment, education and inspirational.
While you’re busy posting, don’t forget to comment on other people’s posts. Take the time to read their post and make a thoughtful comment. Comments have a greater impact than simply “Liking” a post.
Engage Your Prospects With an Email Campaign
Remember all of those leads you failed to follow up with?
You know the ones I’m talking about. The ones from open houses you held months and months ago.
As time went by, you became more and more embarrassed to contact them. Now is the perfect time.
Why not reach out to them now to see if they are still in the market to purchase?
Create a series of educational emails to send the them on a weekly basis.
Educate them on the home buying process.
If they aren’t interested in buying, they can always opt-out of receiving your emails.
You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Engage With a Handwritten Note
If there was ever a time when a handwritten note is appreciated, this is the time.
This is a difficult and uncertain time for all of us.
A handwritten note is like a breath of fresh air.
It shows that someone cares about us.
Although you don’t mention real estate in your note, it may be a reminder that they were meaning to call you to discuss buying or selling.
Being in the house for so long has shown some people that they need a new place to call home.
The Time is Now
As difficult as this may be, make the choice to be optimistic.
We will get through this…one way or another.
Now is the time for you to do all of the things you have been putting off for the past year.
Engage with your sphere of influence, your past clients and your forgotten leads.
We will get through these trying times. And when we come out, we want to have a business to go back to.
If you don’t do the work now, you won’t have much business, if any, in the future.
So if you think you’re having a hard time now, imagine when you get through this and have nothing to show for it.
Take care and stay safe!
Are you stressed and frustrated at trying to figure out everything on your own and still failing to get business?
Sign up today for my Free Email Course, Your Road Map to Success in Real Estate. Start building your real estate business on a solid foundation. Click here to get started.
Don’t think you need help?
- You don’t know what to do to make something happen…how to get clients
- Your afraid of making a mistake
- If you don’t start making money pretty soon, you’ll have to get a “regular” job
Is this you? Get more control over your business and less chaos. I know how you feel. I know you’ve been burned and disappointed by programs that promised you results before. So have I. The majority of my clients come to me because other companies didn’t deliver. There is NO secret to success in real estate or in life. Sign up for my FREE email course, Your Road Map to Success in Real Estate to start building your real estate business on a solid foundation. Click here to get started!

To learn what it takes to be a successful real estate agent or to get your real estate business back on track, check out Candy’s new book,
“The Reality of Real Estate – The Essential Guide to Planning, Managing and Growing Your Real Estate Business.” Available on Amazon now! Candy, “The Real-Life Realtor”, coaches, mentors and trains new and experienced real estate agents to transform their business by mastering her proven systems for success.
Inman News named Candy Miles-Crocker as one of the Top 25 Real Estate coaches in the United States.
She is a firm believer in managing expectations. Her goal is to elevate the perception of real estate agents among the general public through education so every client has an amazing real estate experience. Candy’s unique training methods have shown agents what it takes to be successful! Learn more about her training program at www.RLRETraining.com or send her an email at Candy@RLRETraining.com. If you haven’t done so already, please connect with us on Twitter on Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Let’s Go to Work!

As an active Realtor licensed in three jurisdictions, I approach real estate training from a different perspective. With over 18 years in the real estate business, I teach agents what it’s really like to be a real estate agent.